Youth Employment Funders Group Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of the Youth Employment Funders Group (YEFG) aims to strengthen donors’ collaboration to address the youth employment challenge in a more coordinated and effective manner. It provides a platform to:
• Learn about members’ ongoing and upcoming programmatic and research work.
• Identify synergies and opportunities for coordination and collaboration.
• Outline concrete follow-up activities for the YEFG.
The meeting will take place in Geneva, Switzerland on Friday 4 May 2018, following the 2-day event of the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth to maximize interactions between the two meetings.
Visit the event page
Online registration
The Youth Employment Funders Group (YEFG) is a network of over twenty multilateral organizations and international donors, including private foundations, working together to generate and share more and better evidence-based knowledge on what works in the field of youth employment.
The purpose of the Group is to capitalize on the multiple experiences of each member in order to increase knowledge on what works and why, improve global coordination, and support dissemination of findings and lessons learned. The ultimate goal is to improve labor market outcomes of youth through better quality and larger impact.
YEFG is led by a Steering Committee formed by Citi Foundation, InterAmerican Development Bank/Multilateral Investment Fund (IDB/MIF), International Labour Organization (ILO), Mastercard Foundation, and United States Agency for International Development (USAID).