Trade 2030 - WTO Public Forum

Technology is transforming our lives and our economies — including the way we trade. As the pace of change continues to increase, this year's WTO Public Forum considered the main theme “Trade 2030” and sub-themes on sustainable trade, technology-enabled trade, and a more inclusive trading system. The Forum offered an opportunity for policy makers and representatives of government, business, workers, consumers, civil society and others to discuss how emerging developments will affect the multilateral trading system, and how we can ensure that trade in 2030 will continue to help us address the major issues facing our economies and societies.

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World Trade Organisation (WTO)


  • International Trade Centre (ITC)


ITC and the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth partner to empower young people through trade. How? By equipping youth with skills demanded by the market and enabling them to find quality jobs, become entrepreneurs and create employment opportunities for others. The WTO Public Forum offered an opportunity for our teams to host a booth on creating jobs for youth through trade, and to thus engage with the different stakeholders and to inform participants about our newest projects and collaborations. 

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