Boosting Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship in the Digital Economy

Digital skills are an increasingly important pathway to youth employment and entrepreneurship. Investing in digital skills development for young people is therefore a win-win strategy: it makes youth more employable and likely to succeed as digital entrepreneurs, while connecting employers to the talent they need and sparking innovation across sectors.

The Digital Skills for Jobs Campaign, as part of the Global Initiative for Decent Jobs for Youth, and related initiatives demonstrate the success of this strategy. Bringing together experts on youth employment, this workshop will highlight best practices, take stock of ongoing efforts, and consider ways to amplify successes.

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  • International Labour Organization (ILO)
  • United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

Sustainable Development Goals & targets


In 2019, WSIS will celebrate its 10th anniversary of the establishment of WSIS Forum under the theme “Information and Communication Technologies for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals”. The forum will provide an opportunity for information exchange, knowledge creation and sharing of best practices. It will also serve as a key forum for discussing the role of ICTs as a means of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals and targets.

Under the Digital Skills for Youth thematic priority of Decent Jobs for Youth, ITU in partnership with UNIDO and ILO will be holding a thematic workshop on “Boosting Youth Employment and Entrepreneurship in the Digital Economy” at the WSIS on 12 April. The workshop will bring together young leaders and experts on digital skills development, youth employment and entrepreneurship, and women’s economic empowerment to discuss issues pertaining the world of work for young women and men such as:

  • Skills required to succeed in the future world of work;
  • How digital skills development can boost youth employment and entrepreneurship in the digital economy;
  • How digital skills can help reduce the gender gap and support young women’s economic empowerment; and
  • What could be done to ensure that all young people can benefit from the digital economy, and have access to adequate social protection in the future world of work

Join panellists to discuss innovative solutions to boost youth employment and entrepreneurship through digital skills development, and reach the Campaign’s target of equipping 5 million young people with job-ready digital skills by 2030!

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