Instituto Mexicano de la Juventud. Mexican Youth Institute
Government or intergovernmental entity
Technical assistance, expertise and implementation; Policy, advocacy and convening power; Financial and/or in-kind contribution
Sistema Nacional de Juventud “Colombia Joven”. Presidencial Programm for a national system for Youth “Colombia Joven”.
Government or intergovernmental entity
Technical assistance, expertise and implementation; Policy, advocacy and convening power; Financial and/or in-kind contribution
Secretaría Nacional de Juventud. National Youth Secretary of Peru
Government or intergovernmental entity
Technical assistance, expertise and implementation; Policy, advocacy and convening power; Financial and/or in-kind contribution
Instituto Nacional de Juventud de Chile. National Youth Institute of Chile
Government or intergovernmental entity
Technical assistance, expertise and implementation; Policy, advocacy and convening power; Financial and/or in-kind contribution
Instituto Nacional de Juventud de Honduras. National Youth Institute of Honduras.
Government or intergovernmental entity
Technical assistance, expertise and implementation; Policy, advocacy and convening power; Financial and/or in-kind contribution
Secretaria Nacional de la Juventud de Paraguay. National Youth Secretary of Paraguay
Government or intergovernmental entity
Technical assistance, expertise and implementation; Policy, advocacy and convening power; Financial and/or in-kind contribution
Secretaría Nacional de Juventud de Argentina. National Youth Secretary of Argentina
Government or intergovernmental entity
Technical assistance, expertise and implementation; Policy, advocacy and convening power; Financial and/or in-kind contribution
Instituto Nacional de la Juventud de El Salvador. National Youth Institute of El Salvador
Government or intergovernmental entity
Technical assistance, expertise and implementation; Policy, advocacy and convening power; Financial and/or in-kind contribution
Viceministerio de Desarrollo Social de Panamá. Vice Ministry of Social Development of Panama
Government or intergovernmental entity
Technical assistance, expertise and implementation; Policy, advocacy and convening power; Financial and/or in-kind contribution
Instituto Nacional de la Juventud de España. National Youth Institute of Spain
Government or intergovernmental entity
Technical assistance, expertise and implementation; Policy, advocacy and convening power; Financial and/or in-kind contribution
Instituto Portugues do Desporto e Juventude. Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth
Government or intergovernmental entity
Technical assistance, expertise and implementation; Policy, advocacy and convening power; Financial and/or in-kind contribution
Ministerio de la Juventud de República Dominicana. Youth Ministry of Dominican Republic
Government or intergovernmental entity
Technical assistance, expertise and implementation; Policy, advocacy and convening power; Financial and/or in-kind contribution
Consejo Nacional de la Juventud de Guatemala. National Youth Council of Guatemala.
Government or intergovernmental entity
Technical assistance, expertise and implementation; Policy, advocacy and convening power; Financial and/or in-kind contribution
Secretaría Técnica de Juventudes de Ecuador. Youth Technical Secretary of Ecuador.
Government or intergovernmental entity
Technical assistance, expertise and implementation; Policy, advocacy and convening power; Financial and/or in-kind contribution
Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud de Costa Rica. Cultural and Youth Ministry of Cost Rica.
Government or intergovernmental entity
Technical assistance, expertise and implementation; Policy, advocacy and convening power; Financial and/or in-kind contribution
Secretaria Nacional de Juventude de Brasil. National Youth Secretary of Brazil
Government or intergovernmental entity
Technical assistance, expertise and implementation; Policy, advocacy and convening power; Financial and/or in-kind contribution
Instituto Nacional de la Juventud de Uruguay. National Youth Institute of Uruguay
Government or intergovernmental entity
Technical assistance, expertise and implementation; Policy, advocacy and convening power; Financial and/or in-kind contribution
Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation
Government or intergovernmental entity
Technical assistance, expertise and implementation; Financial and/or in-kind contribution
International Labour Organization (ILO)
United Nations system entity
Technical assistance, expertise and implementation; Policy, advocacy and convening power
Private sector
Technical assistance, expertise and implementation; Financial and/or in-kind contribution
Private sector
Technical assistance, expertise and implementation