Coding Bootcamp Philippines


Coding Boot camp Philippines is an accelerated learning program to give participants core digital skills to enable them to enter the IT workforce within 6 months. This is an ongoing program which runs in 6 month blocks and is operating in Baguio and commencing in 2018 in Manila,Cebu and other Philippines locations. Financial support is from Switch Maven and a network of Australian employers. The aim is to re-skill youth and attract more women to the growing tech economy. This is a 3 year commitment-2021

This commitment is part of:

Digital Skills for Decent Jobs for Youth


Switch Maven Private sector

Technical assistance, expertise and implementation


  • Vivixx Academy

    Private sector

    Technical assistance, expertise and implementation

Sustainable Development Goals & targets

  • 4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
  • 5.5 Ensure women's full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life
  • 8.2 Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors

Achievement At Glance

We have successfully trained more than 50 students over the course of 2018. . We established an employer network for our graduates, allowing us not only to successfully place 70% of our students into active roles as software developers, but also to expand the number of students. We were successful in retaining female participants, who accounted for 30% of the class, thus exceeding our target share of female participants.
We are seeking a new partner to assist in expanding locations to areas such as Cebu to reach our target of 900 graduates by 2021.


This project meets a number of objectives: 1. Fast tracking the adoption of digital skills for youth to enable them to quickly attain s/w development skills and prepare for working with global employers. Participants learn the skills to build and launch their own services and join the entrepreneurial community. 2. Attracting women to the IT industry by providing scholarships and helping to demystify the coding industry. 3. Providing a pipeline of industry ready employees to IT employers globally. Introducing employers to the benefits of Knowledge Process Outsourcing This operation involves educating participants in an intensive 6 month Boot Camp including a 1 month internship to ensure they are industry ready. Employers can retain graduates as remote employees in an ongoing employment engagement. The condensed program makes it accessible to a wider variety of potential participants rather than a 3-4 year IT Degree. The curriculum focuses on problem solving and project work rather than examinations. Each class has a maximum of 25 students with 1 lead teacher and 2 assistants. Switch Maven source employers and ensure the internship experience is positive for both parties. This program revolves around an intense commitment from students and the massive demand for global IT talent. This will generate a graduation of 200-300 students per year from The Philippines. Our target is to maintain 20% women participants and maximise employment outcomes through remote/local IT positions or startup success for the graduates. Switch Maven are contributing curriculum and Vivixx Academy are providing resources and administration support.

Deliverables and links to SDG targets

  • Progress: 55 out of 900 young people trained in relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, ICT skills and soft skills

    4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship

    An intense full time coding bootcamp that prepares participants to work as junior software developers- producing 300 graduates per year

    BY: Jun 2021
  • Progress: 55 out of 900 young people gained work experience, including through internships and quality apprenticeships

    4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship

    As part of the 6 month course each student is assigned an internship with a remote employer to apply the skills they have learnt for 1 month. 300 internships per year.

    BY: Jun 2021






young people to benefit directly from this commitment

Target: All ages 25-29

  • Young people in urban areas
  • Young women
  • Young men


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