Leading with integrity: a conversation with young entrepreneurs on how doing business with integrity

This webinar will feature practical success stories that highlight the importance of integrity and good governance in setting up and nurturing a successful business. Celebrated practitioners from across Asia will lead the discussion on how fairness, integrity, and trust can help grow your company, enhance its attractiveness to investors, and impact the future of your markets and society.

Visit the event page


UNDP FairBiz and Youth Co:Lb


  • United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Sustainable Development Goals & targets


During the webinar, brought to you by UNDP’s Youth Co: Lab and FairBiz Project, UNDP’s Business Integrity Toolkit for Young Entrepreneurs will be launched. This new online resource, developed by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, provides practical guidance and advice to those at an early stage of their business start-up.

Access the resource here

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