Decent employment for young people at risk: multi-stakeholder partnerships to leave no one behind

Bringing together the expertise of the academia, NGO practitioners, corporations, UN agencies and young people themselves, the objective of this high-level multi-stakeholder round table is to contribute with active solutions and documented evidence to the achievement of full employment and quality education for all while keeping a focus on the promise to leave no one behind.

Online registration


SOS Children's Villages

Youth organization, civil society, non-governmental, non-profit organization


  • Deutsche Post DHL Group
  • International Labour Organization (ILO)


The event will also offer a reflection on how to form new efficient multi-stakeholder partnerships for impact in those goal areas and to offer specific support to interested government and private sector partners that are willing to contribute to these areas or learn more about partnerships for sustainable development. The global report Decent work and social protection for young people leaving care will also be launched on 5 April 2018 at a multi-stakeholder panel discussion hosted by the Permanent Mission of Germany, SOS Children’s Villages International and Deutsche Post DHL Group at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

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