Turbocharging Youth Employment in Africa: A New Approach

This event will build on dialogue in assessing new strategies to jointly boost youth employment in Africa. The conference is convened with the support of the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark. It will look at ways to work together and use
evidence to economically empower young people, identifying what works, what doesn’t work, global best practice and new ideas to advise government leaders how to create jobs at scale.

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Wilton Park


  • United Kingdom, Department for International Development (DFID)
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark


The Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth will contribute to the session on "Working together to bring about change", emphasising the importance of multi-actor collaboration in initiating longterm sustainable change. This will offer an opportunity to speak on the relevance of synergies on national and international level and to present the multi-stakeholder alliance of the Global Initiative. 

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