Summer School on the Future of Work
The world of work looks a little different everyday. These changes, driven by technological innovation, demographics, climate change, and globalization, are unprecedented in their scale, speed, and depth, and are already profoundly reshaping the ways in which people work and live.
For its centenary, the ILO invites young people from all over the world for a Summer School and Global Debate on the Future of Work. The Summer School will provide participants with tools they need to help shape new strategies and policies that deliver economic security, equal opportunity and social justice.
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The Summer School on the Future of Work is open to young people from all over the world coming for a summer school and global debate on the Future of Work.
Cutting-edge topics on jobs of tomorrow, for example digital economy, platform economy, youth employment, just transition to environmental sustainability, etc. will be discussed during the academy. Participants will be provided with the tools needed to help shape new strategies and policies that deliver economic security, equal opportunity and social justice, and will develop insights into the job of tomorrow, understand and react to the changing employment landscape, to be able to work toward a better future of work.
The School is shaped by a range of master courses and elective workshops, study visits, games and global debate facilitated by ILO and other leading experts.