European Student Think Tank commits to Decent Jobs for Youth
The European Student Think Tank (EST), a Europe-wide youth network, has pledged its commitment to the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth. The commitment by EST, a think tank by youth for the youth, follows a series of commitments by youth organizations to Decent Jobs for Youth. The commitment on “Employing Knowledge: A Project to Empower Europe’s Young in a Changing World of Work” is set to support youth’s decision making across Europe by developing low-threshold knowledge products and disseminate them through EST’s institutional network.
EST is a network across the European continent and dedicated to disseminating interdisciplinary knowledge by youth and for youth, bridging the gap between research, institutions and youth participation. To create their knowledge products, students from the University of Oxford, University of Bonn, University of Cambridge, and the London School of Economics come together in preparing briefs on various themes within the overarching topic of youth employment. The project elevates youth voices in the discussions on decent work and shares youth perspectives on topics such as social mobility, gender equality and the digital economy. EST’s commitment contributes directly to the Global Initiative’s thematic priorities on Quality Apprenticeships and Digital Skills for Youth.
The Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Decent Jobs for Youth was launched in 2016 as a UN system-wide effort, focusing on the youth employment challenge that is central to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It has emerged as a global, multi-stakeholder initiative that brings together governments, social partners, the private sector, youth and civil society organizations, and others. They work together to share knowledge, leverage resources and take action at country and regional level, with current commitments aimed at supporting more than 18 million young people in accessing decent work and productive employment worldwide.
For more information, please contact:
- Mr Arthur Corazza I Head Policy Research Officer - European Student Think Tank I
- Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth I