Buzinezzclub supports youth towards decent jobs by training & volunteer coaching in the Netherlands
Buzinezzclub, a social organization specialised in creating and finding job opportunities for vulnerable youth, including refugees in the Netherlands, has committed to the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth, with the goal to assist at least 3,500 youngsters including refugees before 2022 to get rid of unemployment and access decent job opportunities by providing them with professional support, training, and volunteer coaching. The commitment is in collaboration with allied organizations Taalclub & Werkclub.
Buzinezzclub provides multi-annual support towards youth’s ideal career paths and prevents them from getting stuck in temporary jobs. Youth who joined Buzinezzclub are supported as lifelong members. The support is delivered through professional trainers, volunteer coaches and the continuous online support, which aims at getting the best out of youth for their ideal career development. The target is to ensure participants to be independent from social security funding which saves the government funding. Part of these savings are returned to the organisation for activities to help more members. The Buzinezzclub has been one the most effective programs in fighting youth unemployment the Netherlands. The company was awarded the prestigious ‘Best European Practices Supporting Youth Self-Employment’ during the European Conference on Youth Self-Employment in Athens, 2016.
The Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Decent Jobs for Youth was launched in 2016 as a UN system-wide effort, focusing on the youth employment challenge that is central to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It has now become a global, multi-stakeholder initiative that brings together governments, social partners, the private sector, youth and civil society organizations, and other key stakeholders in an effort to scale up action and impact on youth employment. They work together to share knowledge, leverage resources and take action at country and regional level, with current commitments aimed at supporting more than 18 million young people in accessing decent work and productive employment worldwide.
The commitment by Buzinezzclub aims to boost action on quality apprenticeships for youth, youth in fragile situations, and youth entrepreneurship and self-employment.
For more information about the commitment, please contact:
- Mr Leo van Loon, CEO, Buzinezzclub I leo@buzinezzclub.nl
- Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth I decentjobsforyouth@ilo.org