Webinar on Career Guidance for Building Young People’s Future: The Role of Employment Services

L'orientation professionnelle pour construire l'avenir des jeunes : le rôle des services de l'emploi
Orientación profesional para construir el futuro de los jóvenes: el papel de los servicios de empleo

Organized by International Labour Organization, this global webinar invites reflection and sharing of experiences on the action of the PES on career guidance.

Download ILO guides for job search / choice of profession 

Descargue las guías de la OIT para la búsqueda de empleo / elección de profesión 

Téléchargez les guides du BIT pour la recherche d'emploi / choix de profession

webinar recording / enregistrement du webinaire / grabación del seminario web 

le webinaire bénéficiera d'un service d'interprétation en anglais, français et espagnol / el seminario web tendrá interpretación en inglés, francés y español.
  • Introduce the following two ILO guides to youth employment stakeholders, including Decent Jobs for Youth partners and ILO colleagues:
    - How to choose my future profession?
    - How to organize my job search?
  • Discover the strategic choices and services offered by PES across different regions
  • Facilitate an interactive conversation between actors involved in professional integration

Session Format

  • This 90-minute webinar will be held on Zoom.
  • Questions and comments from the public will be captured via the chat room and interactive polls.
  • The webinar will be held in 3 languages with translation: EN, ES, FR.


  • Sukti Dasgupta, Chief, Employment, Labour Markets and Youth Branch (EMPLAB), International Labour Organization
  • Michael Mwasikakata, Head, Labour Market Services for Transitions Unit, International Labour Organization
  • François Dumora, Employment Services Specialist, Career Guidance Focal Point, International Labour Organization
  • Martine Roy, Employment Policy Advisor, Young Customers, Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Solidarity, Quebec
  • Virginie Met, Head of the “Specific Measures & Inclusion through Employment” Department, Pôle emploi, France
  • Gayathri Vadivel, Head of the Employment Services Department, Social Security Organisation, Malaysia
  • Fernanda Bersusky, Youth Employment Coordinator, Undersecretary for Employment Promotion of the Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security, Argentina

The Audience

Partners of the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth and broader stakeholders working on youth employment, such as:

  • Public and private employment services
  • Partners in professional integration
  • ILO staff working on relevant topics


International Labour Organization (ILO)

United Nations system entity

Sustainable Development Goals & targets



Faced by the disruptions caused by the pandemic, transitioning to decent jobs has become increasingly challenging, particularly for young people. According to recent ILO analysis[1], youth employment globally fell by 8.7 per cent in 2020 compared with 3.7 per cent for adults, with young women and youth in middle-income countries seeing particularly pronounced impacts. The decline in employment across countries is largely indicative of rising youth inactivity and youth NEETs as opposed to rise in unemployment, meaning that the immense potential of young people is going to waste; they are not gaining experience in the labour market, nor are they receiving an income from work or enhancing their education and skills. It is important to focus on policy support to young people who have withdrawn from the labour market, including employment services to support their transition in the labour market, including the transition to the formal economy.

Choosing a profession is an important step in the transition from education to the world of work. However, professional life spans several decades, and during this long period we may all be faced with changes that may require transitioning to another job or a new profession. The skill to orient oneself through such changes is therefore  necessary for each of us. This is even more important today with a fast-evolving world of work, linked to demographic, climate, and technological changes. Some professions as we know them today will likely disappear, and new ones may be created. Job seekers need to prepare for such changes. It is important to remain attentive to the evolution of professions, to train throughout the life course and to develop an ability to bounce back on new opportunities in the labour market, to avoid being negatively impacted by these changes. In a constantly changing world of work, we must be able to position ourselves as the driver of our career, and not just a passenger.

Acquiring the skills to find one's way is not easy, for those who are in greatest challenges in the labour market, such as youth, women, and persons with disabilities. Public employment services have a critical role to play in supporting them.

[1] https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_emp/documents/briefingnote/wcms_795479.pdf

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