A Recovery Barometer to Boost Decent Jobs for Youth

The ILO, UN DESA and UNICEF’s anchored Generation Unlimited initiative are organizing a side event on the margins of the ECOSOC Youth Forum to capture youth voices and thoughts on the youth recovery barometer. In his Our Common Agenda report and with the aim of supporting efforts by Member States, the UN Secretary General proposed the creation of a youth recovery barometer in the context of the existing UN Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth to track career paths and labour market outcomes of young people through 2025 and beyond as part of the decade of action to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals.

This timely effort will offer a close look at youth labour markets hardly hit by the economic crisis and help advance the objective of the UN Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth to scale up action and impact on youth employment. Launched in 2016, with the endorsement of the United Nations Chief Executives Board for Coordination, Decent Jobs for Youth brings together governments, social partners, youth and civil society, the private sector, and many more partners advancing our vision: a world in which young women and men everywhere have greater access to decent jobs!

In support of State efforts and Decent Jobs for Youth, this side event seeks the perspectives and ideas of young people on a roadmap to develop and implement the youth recovery barometer with a focus on two elements a) Career paths of youth and b) Labour market outcomes of youth.


Date and Time: 18 April 2022 | 9:30am to 10:45am EST

Agenda (New York time): 

  • 9:30 – 9:35   Welcoming remarks
  • 9:35 – 9:45   Presentation on Youth Recovery Barometer
  • 9:45 – 10:15 Breakout groups Discussion of 3 guiding questions:

Guiding question 1: What are existing age-disaggregated indicators or data related efforts connected to career paths and labour market outcomes that could become part of the barometer?

Guiding question 2: What are good practices in designing and implementing measurement tools with young people, youth-led organizations, and youth networks?

Guiding question 3: How can you contribute to the design and implementation of the Youth Recovery Barometer? 

  • 10:15 – 10:40 Plenary: Summary of key takeaways and next steps
  • 10:40 – 10:45 Closing remarks

Event Recording: 




International Labour Organization (ILO)

United Nations system entity


  • United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
  • United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA)
  • United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth (MGCY)
  • The Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth
  • Generation Unlimited (GenU)

Sustainable Development Goals & targets


The UN Secretary-General proposed the creation of a youth recoverybarometer to track career paths and labor market outcomes of youngpeople through 2025 and beyond as part of the decade of action todeliver the Sustainable Development Goals

Join a panel of young leaders to discuss how to develop and implementthe recovery barometer to measure success across the world. Youngpeople will discuss career paths and labour market outcomes and how, inthe absence of country level-data, both indicators can be bettermeasured.

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