Rural Development Academy

Promoting decent private-sector employment in rural Egypt making rural areas more attractive to Egyptian youth is the key objective of the Norway funded project Egypt Youth Employment (EYE): Jobs and Private Sector Development in Rural Egypt implemented by the ILO Cairo. This Academy will take stock of best practices, tools and approaches used in rural areas, taking advantage of the long lasting experience of the ILO and other national and international partners of the project.

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International Labour Organization (ILO)

United Nations system entity


  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
  • International Training Centre of the ILO (ITC-ILO)
  • United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
  • Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Sustainable Development Goals & targets


The overall objective of the Academy is to explore how rural areas can be made more attractive to youth. It is designed for participants to acquire tools and practical methods; share experiences and knowledge; adapt successfully designed and tested approaches to their own environment. The Academy is especially designed for professionals representing:

  • National and international organisations and institutions promoting rural development;
  • ILO’s tripartite constituents (government officials, representatives of employers and workers’ organizations);
  • UN organisations, donor agencies and other international organizations;
  • Private and social enterprises;
  • Universities and civil society organizations.

The Rural Develpoment Academy programme consists of a combination of cutting-edge topics presented and discussed in a series of classes facilitated by ILO, other UN Agencies and leading international and national experts; structured knowledge-sharing opportunities, making use of interactive learning methodologies; a range of elective workshops offering additional insight into specific subjects, testing tools and training packages; study visits to innovative rural initiatives. It will include an elective course on evidence in the promotion of youth and women’s employment in the context of the thematic priority on youth in the rural economy of the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth. It promises to be a very interractive and participatory event. 

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