Launch of Decent Jobs for Youth Global Youth Survey, #MyVoiceMyFuture Campaign, and Blog Series
The Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth launches its Global Survey on Youth & COVID 19, the #MyVoiceMyFuture social media campaign and the Blog Series: Youth Rights & Voices.
Global Survey on Youth & COVID-19 : Take the survey now!
Partners of Decent Jobs for Youth, UN Major Group for Children and Youth, AIESEC, the European Youth Forum, the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa, the United Nations Human Rights Officeand the ILO launched a survey to understand the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on youth and the world of work. The survey is available in 18 languages and will close on 21 May. Please share and participate!
Take/join the survey
Join the #MyVoiceMyFuture social media campaign
As policy-makers are shaping their responses to the pandemic, youth voices cannot be relegated to the background. Decent Jobs for Youth partners are launching the #MyVoiceMyFuture campaign to hear from young people how the coronavirus pandemic has affected them and their suggested actions in response to this. Join the social media campaign using the hashtag #MyVoiceMyFuture.
Join the campaign
Blog series: Young workers will be hit hard by COVID-19’s economic fallout
We launched the Decent Jobs for Youth Blog Series :Youth Rights & Voices. The first blog makes the case that young workers, entrepreneurs and job seekers, as well as youth in education will be particularly affected by the economic impact of the pandemic. The blog series features contributions from youth representatives, youth employment experts and Decent Jobs for Youth partners.