Journeys Within Our Community commits to equipping youth with skills for employment
(Cambodia) Journeys Within Our Community (JWOC), a Cambodian NGO has committed to the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth on supporting young people in Cambodia to develop demand-driven skills and capabilities for accessing employment opportunities in increasing competitive job markets and having them support peers through the Program.
Journeys Within Our Community (JWOC) is a non-profit organization that partners with Cambodian youth to fulfill their potential in education, employment and engagement with their community. As a youth-led organization, JWOC has been at the forefront of youth issues in Cambodia since 2006.
JWOC’s commitment to Decent Jobs for Youth focuses on supporting young people who face challenges in entering the job market through tailored support and career guidance. The support is provided free of charge and aims to lead to employment opportunities and have participants giving back to the community upon completion of the program.
"JWOC is excited to have our commitment to improving the employability of low-income Cambodian youth recognised by Decent Jobs for Youth. We are hopeful that our programs will provide these young people with the opportunity to grow personally and professionally through this opportunity."
Keisha Gani, Development Director, JWOC
JWOC’s commitment will boost action and impact on Digital Skills for Youth and Youth in the Rural Economy, with a focus on Rights and Voices of youth. The commitment will also include education to young people on their employment rights, which is important for building their confidence in entering an increasingly competitive job market.
The Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Decent Jobs for Youth was launched in 2016 as a UN system-wide effort, focusing on the youth employment challenge that is central to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It has emerged as a global, multi-stakeholder initiative that brings together governments, social partners, the private sector, youth and civil society organizations, and others. They work together to share knowledge, leverage resources and take action at country and regional level, to support young people in accessing decent work and productive employment worldwide.
For more information, please contact:
Journeys Within Our Community, Development Director, Keisha Gani I
Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth I