48 million young workers aged 15-17 were estimated to be employed in hazardous jobs in 2012. Decent Jobs for Youth not only aims to create jobs for youth, but improve the quality of existing work with regard to productivity, earnings, working conditions and rights, particularly for young people who are working but continue to live in conditions of poverty and deprivation. The situation of young people in hazardous work is of particular concern.

Decent Jobs for Youth will focus on expanding knowledge to support effective policy and programming that will allow young people to transition out of hazardous work. Activities around this thematic priority will build on ILO’s ongoing efforts to promote high standards of occupational safety and health for young workers.
The ILO is committed to lead on this thematic priority. Decent Jobs for Youth brings together a growing number of partners who are committed to securing safe working conditions for young workers.
Future and Jobs for Youth in the 21st Century
The Future Fair is a series of events that seek to join young people from 16 to 29 years old in order to improve their employability conditions and provide tools for access to the labour market, with the support of national and regional companies which represent different productive sectors and providing a regional scope. It is coordinated by the National Institute of Youth with the collaboration of the Ministry of Production and Labour.