AFRALTI commits to Partnership in Capacity Building on Digital Skills for African Youth

Pressemitteilung: Die deutsche Firma AmaliTech wird 
Partner der UN-Initiative „Decent Jobs for Youth“

– Große Ehre für das erst 2019 gegründete Unternehmen

African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute (AFRALTI)
is an Inter-Governmental Institute established in 1991 to
supplement and guide ICT development efforts mainly in
English-speaking countries within Africa.
The organization has pledged a
commitment to
Decent Jobs for Youth on equipping youth in Kenya with advanced
digital skills for jobs through an innovative digital learning system.  

In partnership with IBM, the commitment aims to benefit 50,000 young people by 2023. The start-up program will focus on leveraging emerging technologies to innovate solutions that positively impact the lives of the African youth population and beyond. The courses include Artificial Intelligence, Block Chain, Cyber Security, Data Science, Machine Learning, Critical thinking, and Entrepreneurship.  AFRALTI will work with an innovation ecosystem comprised of governments, NGOs, Corporates, faith-based Institutions, and other development partners.

Their commitment will boost action and impact on the thematic area of Digital Skills for Youth and contributes to the ILO-ITU joint Digital Skills campaign for reaching 25 million young people by 2030.

The Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

Decent Jobs for Youth was launched in 2016 as a UN system-wide effort, focusing on the youth employment challenge that is central to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It has emerged as a global, multi-stakeholder initiative that brings together governments, social partners, the private sector, youth and civil society organizations, and others. They work together to share knowledge, leverage resources and take action at country and regional level, to support young people in accessing decent work and productive employment worldwide. 

For more information, please contact:

Mr. Jonathan Mwakijele, Head of Training Unit I African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute I

Ms. Anita Natwati, Director People Operations I African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute I

Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth I




Published Date

08 December 2021