Today, most jobs require some level of digital skills. Key growth areas alone have created demand for tens of millions of jobs around the world. These jobs often go unfilled due to skills shortages. Launched by partners of the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth, the Campaign recognizes that investing in youth by developing their digital skills is a win-win strategy: It addresses the skills gap by increasing young people's employability, creating quality jobs, and sparking innovation across all sectors in the digital economy. 


Sustainable Development Goals & targets


  • Bangladesh, Aspire to Innovate (a2i)
  • Code for All Portugal
  • Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
  • IT STEP Academy
  • Microsoft
  • Save the Children
  • Switch Maven
  • ThinkYoung
  • Blossom Academy
  • YMCA
  • Eidos Global
  • HP Foundation
  • Journeys Within Our Community
  • AmaliTech gGmbH
  • ReDI School of Digital Integration
  • TofaraOnline: Digital Marketing and Innovation Consulting Trust
  • Laboratoria
  • Switch Maven

Join the Campaign and be part of the solution

To make a commitment please contact or Possible actions include:

  • Design, implement or fund digital skills development programs for young people – including programs that focus on disadvantaged groups, such as young women and young persons with disabilities.
  • Provide a full array of digital skills and information to existing and potential young entrepreneurs.
  • Embed digital skills training in apprenticeship schemes and educational and professional development programmes across sectors and industries; and
  • Develop and strengthen the capacity of education and training providers to deliver digital skills and adapt their curricula and activities for young people (e.g. professional development, entrepreneurship activities, on the-job learning and job placements).

Why Commit?

We welcome your commitment to improve youth employment opportunities, including through the following actions

  1. Gain global recognition as digital skills champions.
  2. Have your efforts reported to the United Nations as actions accelerating progress to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
  3. Access expertise, networks, and best practices from a worldwide alliance committed to developing digital skills for youth.
  4. Increase visibility through promotional activities of the campaign.

Campaign Action


Join us and be a part of the solution

Join us and let’s work together to scale up action and impact on
youth employment

Commit to Action

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