Our strategy pursues one overarching goal: to leverage knowledge, alliances and resources to create action that leads to tangible results for young people.
Read the strategy document of the Global Initiative on Decent Jobs for Youth
Around the globe, many organizations, institutions and groups are working hard to provide decent jobs for young people. However, with a problem of this scale, better coordination is needed. That’s where our alliance comes in. Together, we can conduct global advocacy campaigns, ensure policy convergence, stimulate innovative thinking and mobilize resources more efficiently. When our efforts are harmonized, real change becomes possible.
Our partners include governments, social partners, youth and civil society, parliamentarians, the private sector, the media, United Nations entities, academia, foundations and regional institutions.
Your organization can join the alliance by committing to action on youth employment.
Learn more about our partners
Decent Jobs for Youth is a catalyst for evidence-based action and impact at country and regional levels. With commitments from a wide range of partners, we can scale up action, ensure ownership and coherence with national development priorities, and assist countries on delivering on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Decent Jobs for Youth prioritizes action across eight thematic areas: green jobs, digital skills, quality apprenticeships, the rural economy, fragile situations, hazardous occupations, entrepreneurship and self-employment, and transitions to the formal economy.
Commit to action
Decent Jobs for Youth is a one-stop shop for everything you need to know about youth employment. We make sure that our partners have access to up-to-date and evidence-based research and policy recommendations, as well as tools and databases. As a global knowledge hub, we analyse and share best practices, highlight innovative new approaches and facilitate learning events on how to improve labour market outcomes for young people across different contexts. We collaborate with think tanks, academic institutions and specialized knowledge partnerships and platforms to offer the latest insights on youth employment.
Discover what works in youth employment
As a multi-stakeholder partnership, Decent Jobs for Youth secures high level-commitments from local and international actors and connects our partners with funding opportunities. We also aim to ensure that resources are deployed efficiently, inclusively and transparently.
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