Decent Jobs for Youth aims to tackle the youth employment challenge all over the world, with a particular emphasis on helping countries deliver on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Learn more about the actions our partners are taking at country and regional level by exploring the map and browsing through the commitments below.

Showing 90 commitments below

National Youth Forums in IberoAmerica

OIJ commits to organise at least 17 National Youth Forums in IberoAmerica countries in 2017 - 2018 with the participation of appro

  • International Youth Organism for IberoAmerica
  • Instituto Mexicano de la Juventud. Mexican Youth Institute
  • Sistema Nacional de Juventud “Colombia Joven”. Presidencial Programm for a national system for Youth “Colombia Joven”.
  • Secretaría Nacional de Juventud. National Youth Secretary of Peru
  • Instituto Nacional de Juventud de Chile. National Youth Institute of Chile
  • Instituto Nacional de Juventud de Honduras. National Youth Institute of Honduras.
  • Secretaria Nacional de la Juventud de Paraguay. National Youth Secretary of Paraguay
  • Secretaría Nacional de Juventud de Argentina. National Youth Secretary of Argentina
  • Instituto Nacional de la Juventud de El Salvador. National Youth Institute of El Salvador
  • Viceministerio de Desarrollo Social de Panamá. Vice Ministry of Social Development of Panama
  • Instituto Nacional de la Juventud de España. National Youth Institute of Spain
  • Instituto Portugues do Desporto e Juventude. Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth
  • Ministerio de la Juventud de República Dominicana. Youth Ministry of Dominican Republic
  • Consejo Nacional de la Juventud de Guatemala. National Youth Council of Guatemala.
  • Secretaría Técnica de Juventudes de Ecuador. Youth Technical Secretary of Ecuador.
  • Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud de Costa Rica. Cultural and Youth Ministry of Cost Rica.
  • Secretaria Nacional de Juventude de Brasil. National Youth Secretary of Brazil
  • Instituto Nacional de la Juventud de Uruguay. National Youth Institute of Uruguay
  • Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation
  • International Labour Organization (ILO)
  • Nestlé
  • Microsoft